Hermès gets a win in trademark infringement lawsuit against Rothschild MetaBirkin NFTs.
Read MoreSince very early in history, symbols have been used to signify the source of a good or service (e.g., branding cows to designate ownership).
Read MoreThe following is an intellectual property law overview, including types of intellectual property, associated laws, and intellectual property’s importance.
Read MoreThe following is an international business law overview, including types of international business transactions, and the importance of international business contracts.
Read MoreTransactional law covers all aspects of business dealings between companies and/or individuals.
Read MoreBusiness litigation law involves disputes arising out of business and commercial related transactions of a non-criminal nature.
Read MoreServices provided by our Dallas patent attorneys.
Read MoreServices provided by our Dallas patent lawyers.
Read MoreThe following is a discussion of contract law damages and other recoveries potentially available under Texas law in breach of contract litigation.
Read MoreIntellectual property (IP) is generally intangible property resulting from some degree of creation.
Read MoreDomain names are intended to be easily identifiable, easy to remember, and eventually act as business identifiers for an online business.
Read MoreDue to the proliferation of the Internet, social media platforms, and hosting websites, online service providers have often become unwitting hosts to materials that may potentially infringe on the copyrights of another.
Read MoreDomain names have become a necessity in today’s day and age.
Read MoreOnline sweepstakes, games, and contests have become increasingly popular thanks to the widespread use of social media and iOS applications.
Read MoreU.S. patents and trademarks do not generally provide protection in other countries.
Read MoreCopyright lawyer can assist with advice on the type of registration to pursue and can help answer examiner questions through the registration process of a copyright application. A copyright lawyer can also assist in obtaining assignments for copyright applications
Read MoreImpersonation and username squatting have increasingly become a common problem for companies today.
Read MoreDomain hijacking, also known as domain theft, is the practice of changing a domain name’s registration without the permission of the domain’s original registrant.
Read MoreTrademark management is an important part of maintaining an intellectual property portfolio.
Read MoreThe following article provides a high-level summary of some of the key issues online business operators face in running a website or other ecommerce business.
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