When companies conduct business via the Internet or online, they are often unaware that they become subject to a wide variety of federal and state laws.
Read MoreMany brand owners, entrepreneurs, and company executives underestimate the value of registering a trademark.
Read MoreOpportunistic and unscrupulous people use many of these same tools to sell counterfeit goods and trade on the good names and strong brands of others.
Read MoreMany companies, inventors, entrepreneurs, and the general public often underestimate the need for attorneys and legal counsel.
Read MoreInformation privacy issues arise anywhere personal information is collected and stored.
Read MoreWhat are trademark infringement damages under the Lanham Act? Read for a discussion of possible trademark damage types and how they are determined.
Read MoreA domain name is an internet address connected to a particular website.
Read MoreThe Lanham Act has a specific provision for treble damages in instances where a counterfeit mark has been used.
Read MoreA copyright holder can recover 1) actual damages and 2) any additional profits of the infringer; or 3) statutory damages.
Read MoreCopyright counterfeiting may often be overlooked as another form of copyright infringement.
Read MoreThe Trademark Electronic Search System (“TESS”) is a public online database that can be used for searching United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) pending and registered trademarks.
Read MoreStudies indicate that trade secrets are the most prevalent form of intellectual property protection.
Read MoreCongress enacted the first federal copyright law in May 1790, and the first work was registered within two weeks.
Read MoreIn 1998, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was signed into law for the purpose of adapting copyright law to a new digital climate. The DMCA consists of five titles.
Read MoreA Master Servicers Agreement (“MSA”) is contract between two parties with an ongoing project or business relationship that offers a flexible system for completing a project over time when there will be decisions to be made along the way.
Read MoreThe United States has the oldest existing patenting system in the world. Since its inception, the U.S.
Read MoreThe World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) defines intellectual property as “creations of the mind.
Read MoreDue diligence investigations are usually conducted in conjunction with an investment or transaction, such as a licensing deal, merger, or acquisition.
Read MoreNon-compete agreements protect employers from losing valuable trade secrets, customer contacts, and other forms of intellectual property.
Read MoreThe term “intellectual property” refers to a wide variety of holdings.
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