Trademark Assignment

A trademark assignment is a document used to transfer rights in a trademark (i.e. logo, name, or symbol) to new owner, a creditor, or even as part of settlement of some other contractual negotiation. An assignment can either carry all the rights associated with a trademark or may be limited in some form or another.

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Law, Trademarks, ArticlesJim Chester
2020 Game Plan

We were in alignment on our ideas of what makes up a great team, so they are the basis of our 2020
Game Plan: Being committed to building teams we are proud to be a part of. Includes characteristics of mutual respect & trust, passion, commitment, leveraging strengths, and good communication.

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Patent Pending - What Does It Mean and What's Required?

What does “patent pending” mean and what are the dos and don’ts of claiming your invention is “patent pending”. Read for a detailed discussion of what kinds of patent application can be “patent pending,” the requirements for a patent application to be “patent pending,” benefits of “patent pending” status, limitations of “patent pending” notices and lawsuits based on pending patent applications, how to mark an invention “patent pending,” when not to mark an invention “patent pending, and international “patent pending” status.

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