As customization art grows in popularity, Nike tries to enforce its IP rights through aggressive measures that could create a negative consumer perception.
Read MoreThe Supreme Court redefined the reach of the CFAA by narrowing the scope of “unauthorized access” in computer fraud cases.
Read MoreThe Discord platform, popular for gaming fan messaging, has been targeted by a patent troll and faces multiple claims of patent infringement.
Read MoreAs the use of virtual hearings and trials continue, attorneys can present with confidence and show credibility in remote settings by following some basic tips in presentation, preparation, and organization.
Read MoreRead about how settlements and awards for patent damages can qualify to be treated as capital gains in income tax reporting.
Read MoreThe Ninth Circuit recently determined that the DTSA should apply retroactively when misappropriation started before the enactment of the act, but continued after.
Read MoreRecent changes to the Korean Trademark Act and the new Design Protection Act, together, allow for the possibility of obtaining treble damages in certain trademark infringement claims.
Read MoreDiscussing the pros and cons of using arbitration agreements in attorney-client relationships to help with potential disputes.
Read MoreThis article discusses the pros and cons of using arbitration provisions in agreements in lieu of a costly public litigation in court.
Read MoreYouTube claims its content ID system was implemented to fight copyright infringement, however, artists have banded in a class action suit against the system which they claim creates infringement.
Read MoreClaims of naked licensing and trademark abandonment require proof the owner didn’t transfer the goodwill and that with any non-use there was also no intent for future use.
Read MoreAfter a long battle to gain registration of the trademark, wins in a Supreme Court decision finding that .com can make an otherwise generic term a source identifier.
Read MoreThe option for incognito or private browsing may turn out to not have much privacy at all. Google faces a class action lawsuit claiming numerous privacy violations for its Chrome Incognito and related apps.
Read MoreIBM defends lawsuit against Weather Channel app by challenging the California Privacy Law statute and seeking summary judgment.
Read MoreAs Netflix’s Tiger King series made the Exotic and Baskin names popular, the saga related to IP infringement claims ended with a federal ruling against Joe Exotic.
Read MoreAs vaccine patents are imminent in the search for a cure for COVID-19, both health organizations and legal experts raise concerns for access and distribution due to patenting.
Read MoreCourt finds Mashable’s use of embedded images without the author’s consent does not constitute copyright infringement.
Read MoreClick to access recent COVID-19 order entered on March 12, 2020, by Judge Albright, Western District of Texas, Waco Division.
Read MoreDownload a checklist of the major deadlines imposed by the Local Patent Rules of the Northern District of Texas NDTX (Second Amended Miscellaneous Order No. 62 entered in October 2019).
Read MoreAs courts shut down due to coronavirus concerns, there is concern for the effect on patent cases involving drug companies relying on Hatch-Waxman Act 30-month stays.
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