1. What was the big idea behind Goverre?
When we invented Goverre there wasn’t a way to bring your wine with you to a concert in the park, camping, beach, and so on. The only options were a red plastic cup or a stainless coffee mug. Shannon and I wanted to create a GLASS portable wine glass. Goverre was the first portable wine glass invented! (There are lots of copy cats now.)
Read the press release about the launch of Goverre.
2. What are some of the challenges you overcame in launching the company?
Launching a company presents daily challenges to overcome. One of the first challenges was finding the time to build a company while working in our current careers and raising a family. The next challenge was overcoming the self-doubt, “Can “I” really start and run a company??” Then you get into raising capital, designing a product, and finding a manufacturer. It’s not easy.
We had two Kickstarter campaigns:
Once your company is up and running, you are presented with another set of challenges.
When, and whom, to hire?
How to build a website?
What to do when you get sued?
How do you manage a massive influx of orders, and what do you do with your staff when you don’t have orders coming in?
Every day we have a challenge to overcome.
3. What advice do you give to entrepreneurs facing a lawsuit, or the threat of one?
Our advice, based on experience, is to:
Find the best lawyer you can.
Immediately send a letter to your insurance providers.
Find the source of your courage – you'll need it.
Focus on survival. You can do it.
“True entrepreneurs are people who take a business through market changes, financial troubles, internal turmoil and, in our case, legal battles. We made the decision not to give up without a fight and tested our limits as business owners.”
We share more about our start-up and litigation story in these two articles:
GOVERRE: Lessons in Entrepreneurship with a Start-Up, Litigation, and Winning
From Wine to Winning: A True Story of Standing Up to Litigation Bullies published on business.com
4. How was your experience on Shark Tank? Are the Sharks really as tough as they appear on TV?
Wow! I think surreal is the only word to describe it. Months and months of preparation lead to one moment. We knew we could not have been more prepared, but we didn’t know if we would let our nerves get the best of us or if the Sharks would like us, our product, and the company we were building. Our confidence was boosted when Mr. Wonderful made an offer and that offer was followed by an offer from Mark Cuban, Lori Greiner and Robert Herjavec. We ended up accepting the offer from Mark, Lori, and Robert.